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A story behind Passion to be on stage.Anyone?

Sweet 15 years ago, i can have a solid recall of imaging, without fail. A boy who had less strength of joining any stage performance and public speaking. Neither in Bahasa Malaysia nor English, he had a huge genuine ’s talk next to his left ear compared to a self- Angel at the right side.Such state of affair always happens to a boy like him, who came from a rural area in Sarawak.Effort means Thousand answers for just that one bewildering issue- less confident in speaking or being a leader.

In his university life, the boy had no passion in doing any public speaking or handling any event, dominantly. When he was asked to lead, he made no answer. Being exposed to a real world was not really his forte. Such state was so irrelevant to a graduate of language studies. Also, not to mention, he was taking Public Relation Practice while in a university along the way with translation and interpretation as his minor. Luckily, he had the awareness of selecting his minor and curriculum courses as he believes that he needs to be different from others, especially those who are far more intelligent and smart as a whip than he himself.

Taking language studies ( in 20002) s as well as public relation courses is a very big stepping stone for him to become a researcher or lecturer. Yes, it sounds so very BIG cliche.

Well, during that time, English language graduates were or are as hot as a hot cake. What he has in his mind is, do talking and sharing a knowledge he has. Until he met his understanding friend, Maria ( was in her final year of B.SC,Hons)- co partner in Blue Capital Prunership. He met Maria when he came back from Library during his first Semester of his postgraduate program, 2006. Maria shared with him about a vision, dream and to be a dream chase, which needs him to be far more different from others.

Both of them tried to join entrepreneur by excersizing networking business approach as the very first step for them to know what is building up a relationship, influencing and team building all about. Then, after that, both worked education line as well as marketing line. The boy joined Audit house fro ONE year. He learnt what is basic accounting, basic audit procedures as well as financial forensic. He has nothing about accounting as well as audit.

He has to sell an audit software to other audit companies.He was selected to join the team because he had networking sale experiences.All no related accounting qualification is void and null. The power of networking business brings a lot of unique experiences for him which beyond his imagination.

Then, he joins Insurance as well as Unit Trust company at the same time. Yet he shows more great results when in insurance. Every year he did more than 13OK of TPC points. He did it for 2 years! What makes him so eager and fully determined to do Sale as a career-income based on Effort Evaluation - Sounds like in Alice in a wonderland. A strong effort promises everything. It deals with the state of complacency as well as result orientation within self-racing in deep within.

Then, as he is keeping on developing his public speaking skills which are learnt from Insurance business, thus, he has Blue Capital Prunership as his platform to become more preponderate in term of sharing knowledge as well as ambition person- creates more effective and high self-confident of bumiputra! It is a noble for him to help those *brethren to be brave in executing their desires, dream, and passion as a career, conspicuously.

Being a trainer with networking business, teaching as well as insurance, make him become more flexible, understand protocol of social networking, understand the meaning between sale hunting and maintaining a post-sale relationship with clients. These make him. as he is still learning, not just a typical insurance or communicator yet make him more daring in term of understanding others’ need and how they think will help him to plan his next plans to counter any conflict, wisely.

To sum up, a composure Trainer or Emcee with an insurance agent’s communication skill as well as a teacher with flexible of teaching approach- facilitator approach, and also an investment attitude- assessing risk and profit in order to maintain a good growth of human capital within a society and business’ landscape.Good bargain to deal with?What say you?

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