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The Origin of FUNDS’ INCOME- Sense and Prejudice

Market’s Behaviourism

We are confused with various speculations about market and economic’s landscape-trend and demand. Dilemma of being attracted into so intense among those youngster- experiencing the feeling of trying new ideas by diversifying own salary and the chance to see the capability of an individual in this such a mysterious black hole of profit and lost.

Sounds so eerie when a market is considered as a black hole. It attracts lot of unconscious attitude of gaining profit, settling debt, desperately as well as creating a learning curve in leveraging income- first income, perhaps.

Economic; demand and supply as in patterns, market; a wild field that consolidates demand and supply, and politic; referring to security and stability of the government, is bounded neatly as a huge magnetic field which makes them becomes invulnerable against weak speculation- oil, trading, consumer product-based on sociology and behaviourism at one particular proposition ,infrastructure, finance- bond and cash as well as technology.

All these areas are interconnected to each other, yet hard to be predicted easily. By using statistical methodology in analysing data from the areas may not fully accurate as it more on predictions. Overall all, the areas are coming from social science aspect- hardly to be understood fully by merely using quantitative methods compared to scientific fields where it talks to specific calculation and mathematical measurement in a comprehensive lab.

Social science needs social scientists from various aspect to work together to come out with special SWOT plan to understand future demands, ideology, and behaviour in future market- in 5 -10 years ahead,for instance.

The main tool to be used in order to integrate all these become a great desegregation of sustainability in economic, market and politic (hereafter, EMP), is by applying social psychology and communication in order to understand the logics behind the mentioned areas.

Assumptions about logic in EMP are;-

1. how the shareholders of certain funds change- in what pattern and trend do they follow?

2. how consumer change their behaviour towards consumer, industrial, finance& bonds, property, technology as well as oil & gas industries? what may influence them to react and change their demand?

3. do marketing agents consciously communicate to their targets market by using specific champagne within a period of time? If yes, what kind or pattern of following up tools do they use in order to change consumers’ behaviour to adopt and accept a new idea, which is designed by the agents? (The agents must be expert in sociology and psychology as they can change consumers’ habit and behaviour in split second as human’s behaviour is something hardly to be changed, instantly.

4. how do marketing agents promote sustainability of political landscape in their society to be blended in their marketing champagne?

5. do the marketing agents get research to be done by having direct communication with the stakeholder of certain fund?

For example, if the marketing agents wish to promote the efficiency of Petrol 97 among Asian countries and want them to buy from Malaysia,they need to get what do oil companies have in mind about Petrol 97?Do they have strong interest to develop it in 10 years to go?or do they have another product which is similar or advanced than Petrol 97?

What do politicians want and understand about Petrol 97?Do they have a national plan to promote it, widely?Do they have alternative for Petrol 97?To make Petrol 97 becomes outstanding, do they have strong allies to produce and conquer market of Petrol 97 (refer to Robert T.K, in lesson in military leadership for entprenurships about allies and unite)What is their security offer for outsiders to invest in Malaysia? How drive local companies and people to support the national agenda in marketing champagne in order for it to becomes more like a united plan?What is the best impact of social impact assement toward the using of such petrol in some diffrent areas?By having this, will lead others nation will use it not only for a short term purpose but for the sake of social stability in many ways-Sounds compromising?

So, i hope that there will be a strong connection among all in order to get used to such concept-socio psychology communicatioin for developing EMP into more sustainable.

Have a great day.

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